Monday, February 1, 2010

Frozen lemonade

2 lemons
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup ice cubes

Peel the lemons and place ingredients in the Vitamix. Select Variable 1 and increase speed to 7. Blend for 20 seconds, pushing down ingredients with the tamper. Then blend on High for 10 seconds.

Taste score: 6/10

Likes: After a long day of classes, there was nothing I needed more than this sour frozen treat. It tasted just like the frozen lemonade you buy at amusement parks but without all the corn syrup. The Vitamix could handle the seeds just fine, and I liked that I could eat it with a spoon or slurp it with a straw.

Dislikes: It was very tart, which I didn't mind, but since I didn't want to add too much sugar, I  could have diluted it with a little water. Also, the Vitamix strangely couldn't pulverize the pulp as well as the seeds, so I might run it on High for a little longer.

Nutrition score: 7/10
This frozen lemonade Vitamix recipe is pretty simple. Lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C and they have lots of anticarcinogenic flavonoids.


Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering looking at this one.

Rickr72 said...

I'm going have to try this. I wonder if agave would work instead of sugar?

Rickr72 said...

I'm going have to try this. I wonder if agave would work instead of sugar?